Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

Hiring Organization:- Cigna

Post Name:- Data Science Senior Advisor

Qualifications:- Bachelor Degree

Industry:- Private

Employment Type:- Full Time

Work Hours:- 8 Hours

Salary:- $35-$40/Year

Locations:- USA

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Full Job Description:

The inQbator man-made intelligence group has a full grown environment of arrangements presently conveyed to creation that utilization cutting edge regular language handling and AI methods to carry substantial upgrades to medical services processes. Our close term center is around building answers for address issues inside the area of earlier approval, and our drawn out issue space is extraordinarily wide and unassuming. Thusly, to recognize the up and coming age of issues that we will handle, we interface consistently with a different and profoundly matrixed gathering of partners that incorporates groups from numerous divisions across the undertaking, as well as clinicians and clinic networks with whom we have organizations and at last the patients we try to help.

Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

  • Work intently and intuitively with our information science and item groups to fabricate information pipelines which support the inQbator
  • Move heritage information ETL pipelines to cloud-based information stages (Databricks, Snowfake)
  • Foster new information assets which can be utilized for ML/NLP or item development
  • Team up with different information partners to recognize interior and outside medical care information assets which can be utilized by the inQbator
  • Lay out information designing prescribed procedures for junior information architects and information experts
  • Lay out quality measurements which can be utilized for recognizing worth of inQbator projects
  • Give BI backing to new inQbator developments
  • Keep current with industry propels in information designing
  • Take care of issues that will emphatically affect the wellbeing and prosperity of many individuals

Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

  • 5+ long stretches’ of important experience fabricating and overseeing complex ETL pipelines
  • Serious level of capability with SQL
  • Experience with cloud-based information stages (Databricks, Purplish blue)
  • Acquainted with git source control
  • Experience with Python and Scene is liked
  • Experience assembling and overseeing information model design is exceptionally attractive
  • Experience working with ML or NLP groups is exceptionally alluring
  • Experience with medical care information (claims, EMR) and additionally Medical care Usage The board is profoundly alluring
  • Degree in Software engineering, Designing, Data Frameworks, Math or related specialized field exceptionally wanted; Graduate degree liked

Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

Cigna Entry Level Remote Jobs (Work From Home) – Apply Now

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